Take a look at our offer.
Medical Rehabilitation Centre Medical Resort Grand Lubicz performs therapeutic activity in the type: outpatient health services. The facility is also available for external visitors not staying overnight in the hotel facility.
We live a life of constant running and stress, and spend most of the day in a sitting position. Back pain is a very common problem in highly civilised societies. Even the first symptoms, such as unremitting pain, should prompt a visit to a specialist.
We offer :
physiotherapy diagnosis
movement therapy
physical therapy
balneological treatments
individual therapy
non-conventional treatment
pain management therapy
Lek. med. Adam Lewiński - neurology specialist
We encourage you to enjoy acupuncture treatments performed by Dr Lewinski at the Medical Resort.
We use the best methods for sports rehabilitation, allowing us to treat all types of injuries, especially those occurring in active sports.
We cooperate with Sports Clubs, for which we prepare special rehabilitation offers.
The programme is aimed at people over the age of 60 and aims to support and enhance the social activities of senior citizens, increasing access to services and goods that improve their quality of life. . 60+ programme enables the purchase of therapeutic stays at a 30% discount on the price published on the Hotel website www.grandlubicz.pl.
Details and rules available at the Reservation department +48 59 841 82 00
We surround our guests and patients with professional care by providing them with the opportunity to plan their treatments, after consultation with our doctor.
Therapies provided at our medical and rehabilitation centre include:
Opening hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 - 19:00
11:00- 19:00